AMF (Allied Mobile Force) enamel badge
AMF (Allied Mobile Force) enamel badge
The Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (AMF) was a small NATO quick reaction force, headquartered at Hieldberg Germany active from 1960 to 2002. It formed part of Alleid command Europe (ACE), headquartered at SHAPE Belgium. The land component of the force, consisting of a Brigade sized formation of about 5,000 personnel, was composed of units from 14 NATO states. HQ CO US AMF(L) Infantry was at Coleman Barracks, Mannheim, GE 95-02 HQ AMF (L) was at Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim, 1975-91 and Turley Barracks, Mannheim, 1991 -95
Royal Hampshire regiment cap badge
Kings crown
1947- 1952
Brass and white metal
Weight (g) | 20.00 |
Brand | Military Issue |
Restricted Product? | No |