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"Where Eagles Dare" Mountain Ski Cap with Edelweiss badge

£29.99 £24.99

Mountain ski cap of the style worn in the film "Where Eagles Dare". 

This is the model of German ski and mountain cap that was worn By Lt Schaffer (Clint Eastwood) and Major John Smith (Richard Burton) in the classic war film "Where Eagles Dare".


Mountain ski cap of the style worn in the film "Where Eagles Dare". 

This is the model of German ski and mountain cap that was worn By Lt Schaffer (Clint Eastwood) and Major John Smith (Richard Burton) in the classic war film "Where Eagles Dare".

This mountain cap is an exact replica of the Gebirgsjager cap made for Hollywood film "Where Eagles Dare". The pattern is very distinctive as Hollywood based the cap on a post war West German ski cap which differed from the actual wartime cap. West German ski caps are no longer available so we have produced a replica of the cap with all the features of the film version.

This is one of our favourite films and we wanted a cap and parka just like the film version so after years of unsuccessfully looking for one, our only choice in the end was to make them ourselves so after a lot of work we now have a small range of "Where Eagle Dares" classic clothing.

The "Where Eagles Dare" mountain cap features:

  • Grey green smooth fabric instead of the green wool fabric used on war time caps.
  • Metal Eagle which is sewn on with black thread just like the film version, war time caps generally had cloth embroidered badges..
  • Metal edelweiss on left side of cap
  • Silver Cap buttons not green painted 
  • Cotton woven Roundel 

Now you also can set out on your own winter mission to rescue Col George Carnaby from Schloss Adler in Austria.



Restricted Product? No
Affiliation German
Service Army
Material Cloth